September 17th-19th, 2024
UCLA Faculty Club
Morrison Room
480 Charles E. Young Drive East,
Los Angeles, CA 90095
MMS 10th Community Workshop @ UCLA
Meeting Info
This workshop is open to the science community with research interests in magnetic reconnections in theory, space or laboratory plasma environment, shock physics, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in Earth magnetosphere, FTE and boundary layers, wave and turbulence, and other studies using the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission data.
Zoom meeting information
9/17 8:30-17:30 Pacific Time: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92232902269
Meeting ID: 922 3290 2269
Passcode: email hwei@igpp.ucla.edu for passcode
9/18 8:30-17:30 Pacific Time: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98251881028
Meeting ID: 982 5188 1028
Passcode: email hwei@igpp.ucla.edu for passcode
9/19 8:30-17:30 Pacific Time: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/91443514208
Meeting ID: 914 4351 4208
Passcode: email hwei@igpp.ucla.edu for passcode
Session topics:
Please put title/abstract in the "Comments" box of the registration site and indicate one or more session topics when you submit your title. Please feel free to email Hanying Wei or the session organizers for specific questions or requirements.
General reconnection: we can further break this big topic into multiple sessions, such as reconnection theories, electron only reconnection, heating and acceleration related to reconnection process, etc.
Organizers: Prayash Pyakurel <pspyakurel@berkeley.edu> (for theory and electron-only reconnection);
Jason Beedle <Jason.Beedle@unh.edu> (for dayside, asymmetric reconnection);
Kristina Pritchard <Kristina.Pritchard@unh.edu>; Dominic Steven Payne <dspayne@umd.edu> (for general reconnection);
Weijie Sun <weijiesun@berkeley.edu>; Gang-Kai Poh<gangkai.poh@nasa.gov> (for Particle Heating and Acceleration Mechanisms in Magnetic Reconnection and Related Processes)
Shock Physics
Organizers: Lynn Wilson <lynn.b.wilson@nasa.gov>; Zixu Terry Liu <terryliuzixu@ucla.edu>
Waves and turbulences: including the first results of string-of-pearl campaign
Organizers: Alexandros Chasapis <Alexandros.Chasapis@lasp.colorado.edu>; Riddhi Bandyopadhyay <riddhib@udel.edu>
Kelvin Helmholtz instability and boundary layers
Organizer: Rachel Rice <rcrice@umd.edu>
MMS as a part of heliophysics system observatory (HSO): research using MMS and other HSO missions
Organizers: Katariina Nykyri <katariina.nykyri@nasa.gov>; Michael Starkey <michael.starkey@swri.org>; Yingdong Jia <yingdong@igpp.ucla.edu>
Others: including multiple topics of or beyond the above list (email: Hanying Wei <hwei@igpp.ucla.edu>)
Important Dates
Workshop dates: September 17th - 19th, 2024 (Tuesday to Thursday)
Team splinter meetings: September 16th (Monday)
Reception Dinner: September 17th
Abstract/Title Submission Deadline: September 1st
Registration Deadline: September 1st
Organizing Committee:
Hanying Wei, Christopher T. Russell, Guan Le, Katariina Nykyri, Lynn Wilson, Rachel Rice, Riddhi Bandyopadhyay, Kristina Pritchard, Prayash Pyakurel, Dominic Payne, Weijie Sun, Jason Beedle, Terry Liu, Gang-Kai Poh, Alexandros Chasapis, Yingdong Jia, Michael Starkey, Marjorie Sowmendran, Emmanuel Masongsong, Jasper Laca
Event Registration:
Full registration: $500 (before August 1st); $600 (August 2nd to September 1st)
One-day registration: $150 (before August 1st); $200 (August 2nd to September 1st)
Emeriti/Retiree Full Registration: $300
Dinner/Reception Only: $50
Hotel Booking:
Hotel Angeleno
170 N Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (310) 476-6411; Reservations: (510) 986-8007
Blocked 40 rooms at group rate of $183+tax, 3 miles to meeting location, free Uber transportation between hotel and UCLA, group rate available before August 16th, small meeting rooms available for 9/16 team splinters.
Book through the group-rate link: https://tinyurl.com/UCLAMMS2024
UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles 90095
Reservations: (855) 522-8252
Group rate of $275 no tax, 5 min walking distance to meeting location, blocked 10 rooms
book through the group-rate link: https://bookings.travelclick.com/99861?groupID=4341675#/guestsandrooms)
Tiverton House
900 Tiverton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone : (310) 794-0151
Rate of $199 no tax, can be booked by call-in and mention attending conference hosted at UCLA
UCLA Guest House
330 Circle Drive East
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: (310) 825-2923
Rate of $282.33 for visiting UCLA campus event, book here https://bookings.travelclick.com/102278?domain=reservations.guesthouse.ucla.edu#/guestsandrooms